Job Description

Purpose of Job

To assist with and contribute to the pastoral care and supervision of boarding House students.

House Parents are responsible for overseeing the domestic running of the House, including: daily routines, cleaning, laundry, maintenance, health and safety, and medical arrangements for individual students. HPs are also required to liaise with HMs and/or tutors, as well as parents, about individual student pastoral issues.

Duties & Responsibilities


  • To be responsible with the HM and House Tutors for the pastoral welfare, care, supervision, and presentation of   students in the House, co-ordinating and liaising with other staff as necessary.
  • To support the HM and House Tutors in ensuring that students are well prepared for each school day and for school activities, and have with them appropriate equipment and clothing.
  • Provide a sympathetic presence in the House, showing sensitivity to those who are having difficulties coping with school life, liaising closely with other relevant staff concerning the progress and welfare of students.
  • To liaise with parents and/or guardians of students in the House about matters concerning domestic, welfare and medical issues, in consultation with the HM.
  • To contribute to the induction arrangements for new students, ensuring that any ‘settling in’ problems are discussed with the HM and Tutors.



  • To be aware of the uniform and clothing requirements of students. To organise House laundry, oversee the repair, alterations and cleaning of clothing and bedding, and bedding changes by students.
  • To liaise with cleaning and, as relevant, grounds staff, ensuring the cleanliness and presentation of the House.
  • At the beginning and end of each term, supervise the clearing up and cleaning of the House; carrying out a check of all bedding, furniture, fixtures and fittings, preparing a list of repairs and maintenance and to advise the Head of Operations about the replacement or renewal of bedding, fixtures and furnishings.
  • To liaise with the Head of Operations re the instruction and induction of domestic staff allocated to work in the House.



  • To liaise with the Medical Centre about students who are unwell for any reason or in need of medical attention.
  • To respond to medical emergencies as well as routine medical appointments, escorting students as needed.
  • To administer any student medication in accordance with school protocol.
  • To ensure that appropriate student medication administration records are kept up to date and that they are stored securely; ensure that the Boarding House medical cabinet and first aid kits are kept stocked as appropriate, liaising with school medical staff in order to share any health or medical concerns.
  • To hold and regularly update a First Aid qualification as prescribed by the School.



  • To support the HM and House Tutors with a Health, Wellbeing and Hygiene induction at the start of term for all students and to ensure any new students that join the House are fully inducted.
  • To support statutory fire alarms checks, reporting any problems to the Head of Operations and Health and Safety Co-ordinator.
  • To complete termly Boarding House Health and Safety Audits in consultation with the HM and the Head of Operations.
  • To assist the Head of Operations with Electrical Equipment Health Checks of all students’ personal electrical appliances in the boarding House; in liaison with the HM, remove any unsafe electrical goods in House that may pose a Health & Safety risk.
  • Ensure the safe storage of domestic materials in line with COSHH requirements.



  • Familiarise oneself, and remain up-to-date with, the UK National Minimum Boarding Standards for Boarding Schools and ensure compliance with them.
  • To attend House boarding staff meetings as required by the HM;
  • Liaise with the Head of Operations Manager and HM in the preparation of the boarding House for any holiday lettings from external organisations.
  • To be familiar with the school’s code of practice for health and safety, and its policies and procedures for countering bullying, substance misuse and child protection; to be willing to undertake additional training as required by the School.
  • To carry out other related duties as may be reasonably required from time to time by the Head, HM and Head of Boarding.



  • Appropriate experience in a residential (preferably educational) environment;
  • Familiar with the working process and working methods of boarding schools;
  • Personable, empathetic and approachable; a strong desire to work with young adults.
  • Excellent communication skills, adaptability, resilience, excellent interpersonal communication and coordination ability;
  • Competency in both English and Japanese, able to read in both languages, is desirable.
  • Strong adaptability, able to work under pressure, sense of responsibility and professionalism.


Please note this is a residential post. House parents are expected to reside in the boarding house, and will be provided with appropriate accommodation. Meals can, if desired, be taken with students (free of charge). House parents are entitled to an average of two days off per week but should not always expect these to occur at weekends or to be regular in their timing.


Whilst every effort has been made to explain the main duties and responsibilities of the post, each individual task undertaken may not be identified. The post holder will be expected to comply with any reasonable request by the line manager to undertake work of a similar level that is not specified in this job description. This job description may be amended at any time following discussion between the line manager and member of staff, and will be reviewed annually.


Harrow Appi Japan is fundamentally committed to safeguarding the children in our care and their welfare is our top priority.

All adults in the School community are expected to follow its Child Protection procedures and are required to undertake safeguarding checks.

Harrow Appi Japan reserves the right to recruit at any stage during the selection process.